A Roy G. Biv gallery, by the book.

The photo prompt for this week’s challenge became available last Friday. I wasn’t sure I’d participate because I was feeling under the weather.

But then: serendipity. On Sunday, Ogre and I stopped at the library to pick up a book he’d reserved. I decided I wanted to just browse the psychology section. I wasn’t thinking about the challenge at all when this book title popped out at me:

Sometimes the universe makes my life so easy.

All I had to do was go through my photographs to find the ones that most closely approximate the shades of Roy G. Biv — as illustrated by the book. (Yet I’m still posting it on the last possible day. Sheesh. It was a rough week.)

I'm part of Post A Week 2015

Click here to visit the Post a Week home.

Here are some of my favorite entries for the Roy G. Biv prompt  from others:

(I’m still adding as I find them, so feel free to check back.)

A Rainbow in Winter | Light as a Feather | wife at the end of the rainbow | Street Art [Rendition] | a setting sun in Scotland | wet tarmac | Peggy Lee sings a rainbow (must listen to song)Roy G Biv and his shy twin Vib G Yor | in black and white | a lovely misty spectrum | a crisp spectrum (love the oranges) | rainbow jello (and hair) | shop front | including fire & ice | just the ice, as prisms | in one shot, at Epcot | round rainbow through the trees (gorgeous) | hand-painted silk scarf | ghosting orb | inspiration for a rainbow of (unprintable) words | an ode to indigo |

3 Comments on “A Roy G. Biv gallery, by the book.”

  1. desleyjane says:

    I love serendipitous moments – I was just talking about that with someone yesterday. I’m amazed at the colour of that egg! Great response.

    • I was thrilled when I spotted the egg … twice. The first time was when I saw it while out walking my dog (who miraculously did not crush it with his giant feet.) And the second time, when I was looking at my albums and realized it was a near perfect match for the color on the book cover 😀

  2. Thanks for the pingback, Paranormalist. Cheers–

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