One week to Halloween!

halloween countdown 2 final

 Only ONE week until Halloween!

I just got back from the Soap Factory’s Haunted Basement: Unhinged.

It was awesome.

It’s late, and I’ve still got some date-time left, so I’ll just toss up the countdown post for now, but I’ll be back later this weekend to review this haunted attraction which is billed as the scariest in Minnesota.

Our October weather, so far, has been lovely, and it looks good for the upcoming week. For some reason I’m running a little late with things like decorating around here, but I think the seasonal zeitgeist has finally caught up with me. I’ve got lots to do. Luckily, I needed to update the one-week-to-Halloween post today, and that’s helped me get my plans together.

Now’s the time to think about what we still have the desire, time and energy to do. I’ve gone through all the posts in my Halloween countdown, to cherry-pick the links that might be most useful to you, now that we’re down to the wire. (Even if you haven’t done much in the way of setting things up.)

Read: Almost Halloween ~ reminders and shortcuts for this week.

PS: Thank you for the kind and thoughtful comments on last night’s post, a bad night at the paranormal hotel. I was a little concerned that the aftertaste of all that would spoil my fun at a haunted attraction. Tonight, though, I got the chance to be brave and I took advantage of it. One reason I love horror so much is that it allows us to practice things like courage, quick-thinking, flexibility, and resilience.

Thanks to my Ogre (who quietly encouraged me to go even if I was nervous) and to my beloved genre, tonight I am better than fine.

PPS: Come play with us at:

2014: The Paranormalist’s 1st Annual Halloween Photo Scavenger Hunt

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